Cani e porci hanno il proprio blog, quindi anch’io!

Pigs and dogs have their own blogs, why can't I?


As some of you already know, I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. While I have enjoyed the warmth of my friends’ and family’s outpouring of love and support, I have also felt overwhelmed at times from the need and responsibility to keep everybody updated all the time, or most of the time. I know I have forgotten to call people, to return messages, to even simply tell people of my cancer. So, I have decided to create a small simple blog that any of you can access and read, and that I will try to keep updated with the latest information. I will also try to jot down my feelings from time to time. You can access it and read it any time. If you want to register for free you can post your own comments (but you don’t have to). This is only for you, friends and family, but if you think I have forgotten someone I know (very possible) and who might be interested in knowing how I am doing, please feel free to share. What I ask you is that you don’t share with people I don’t know, or at least that you ask me before doing so. I want to keep this strictly private.

To those of you, to whom this news might come as a shocking surprise, please forgive me. Right now I can only think of the practical steps I have to take in order to 1) take care of things that need to be taken care of before surgery; 2) keep myself and my family safe and sane; and 3) get this cancer out asap. I am in my pragmatic mode, not much to say apart from really dry practical or clinical stuff. I have posted the story of how and when I found out on the website. Also please know that I love you all and the fact I haven’t told you so far has nothing to do with how much I care for you.