Marg in Defense of Kaiser

After I wrote my Kaiser defense blog, my friend Marg wrote me an email. I paste it right below with her permission.


Just read your blog. I’m so glad your getting the OncotypeDX test.
It sounds like a great idea.

I also have heard many comments from people who assume Kaiser isn’t as good as their own PPO, but I have to say in defense of Kaiser, since everything they do is “in-house” as far as laboratory testing, radiology, mammography, et cetera, their doctors have far more autonomy to order tests and other procedures than PPO doctors who have to submit for approval before they can order outside tests for their patients.

Another matter that I’m aware of is PPO doctors basically being paid on a per-patient or capitated basis for their services. When they have to refer their patients out, they get less money from their pool of money. In other words, it puts the doctor in a conflicted relationship with their own patient. The more they refer out, the less money remains in their practice. So is it likely that they’re going to make all of the necessary referrals?

One more thing. In my experience, with my history now, my doctors order extra tests for me at the drop of a hat. I haven’t had the feeling that they’ve tried to cut corners at all.

Hope this helps,


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