I love Dr. McDorky!

I saw him today for my two-week checkup. I dressed all nicely: tight Guess jeans, tight aqua cashmere sweater, stiletto boots, day makeup. Of course, I was chest-lopsided, but Bruce said I pay too much attention to the breasts. He thought I was sexy and, had it not been Dr. McDorky I was seeing, he might have thought jelous thoughts. And of course, my thoughts for Dr. McDorky do not involve passionate kisses or sexual breast-fondling. But I do love him. Because, after all, he is human. He is such a sweetheart, in his own dorky way. So he was pleasantly surprised that my scar is healing so fast and he’s happy with my healing progress in general. I asked him whether the surgeon’s decision to not re-excise to obtain wider margins had anything to do with aesthetic reasons (in other words, whether he influenced the decision, based on possible aesthetic consequences). He reassured me he had nothing to do with it: his opinion is that first I have to take care of the cancer, take out as much skin and tissue as it is necessary, then he’s going to work with what is left to give me the best aesthetic results, given the circumstances. He told me not to let aesthetic consideration influence my decision either (not that I needed telling, but it was nice to hear that from a plastic surgeon). Of course, being Dr. McDorky, he explained all the possible procedures to get more skin and tissue to the side of the mastectomy, should further sugery be needed. But I won’t go there. He also told me that, should I need radiation, he won’t have to remove the implant, as it is all made of plastic parts. He’ll try to avoid further cosmetic surgery as much as possible. Another nice thing to hear from a surgeon!
Anyway, after we had talked for a while, he said I was ready to be pumped up. So he got out a big syringe, a small needle and went to get some saline solution. I am happy to say that I was able to take in 90cc of saline solution, as opposed to the 60cc he was planning to inject. I could probably take some more, but why making it more painful than necessary? Right now I feel some pressure from the added volume, but no pain. Moreover, with a sports bra on, one can barely notice that I am lopsided. My left breast is about half the size of the right one, but since sports bras squeeze the breast a little, and the implanted one is hard and cannot be squeezed, I look almost normal. I can’t wait to see what Bruce says!
Dr. McDorky is also planning ahead to recreate a nipple out of some extra skin left over from the surgery. And finally, cherry on the cake, he gave me the ok to resume exercizing, as much as I want. He just cautioned me to listen to my body and not do anything that’s hurting me above the ordinary. And he remembered that he has to talk to me in terms of grams and cc, not ounces or pounds! Oh yeah, I love him! How could I not?

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